Anvil Industries is a group of companies specialising in the production of mechanical parts and assemblies.
Customers are OEMs and Tier 1s in semiconductors, medical, intralogistics, optical/analytical and mechanical engineering. Core competencies are engineering, machining, grinding, wire-EMD, sheeting, welding, assembly, testing and cleanroom packaging.
Anvil Industries consists of the companies Rols Machineonderdelen (Geldrop), Job Precision (Valkenswaard), BKL (Nuenen), Jansen Machining Technology (Valkenswaard), Contour Covering Technology (Winterswijk), Contour Advanced Systems (Varsseveld) and Innclose (Varsseveld). Each company has its specific strengths and core competencies. Anvil Industries is headquartered in Valkenswaard and employs approximately 400 people with its various companies..
Watch the video here: Anvil doing business with VADO

VADO investment rationale
By bundling the companies in the ANVIL group, individual parts and complete mechanical components can be designed and manufactured, in various sizes and with a very high degree of accuracy, including in special metals. With this, Anvil Industries offers a one-stop-shop solution for mechanical machining to OEMs and Tier 1 companies in semiconductors, optical and medical industries, food and various machine builders.
For more information about Anvil Industries or one of our other companies, please contact VADO,
Eric Liebers via